For a domain name, you can renew it for a total of 10 years.Your domain's current expiration date determines the longest duration for which you may renew it.For instance, if your current domain expires in 1 and a half years, the longest period for which you can renew it is 8 years.As a result, your domain's total time under registration will be 9 1/2 years. .
You must transfer your domains to us first if you want to renew any that are registered with another registrar.
If you submit a renewal request after your domain's expiration date, an administrative fee of $5 per domain will be needed.This will cover the cost of manually renewing and reactivating the domain.You should renew your domain as soon as possible to avoid paying these fees.
Expiring domain names can stay in your account for up to 30 days before being erased and no longer being renewed.Such domains might become accessible to other parties for registration.